Add a creative
  • 19 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Add a creative

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Article summary

To add a creative, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Ad Manager.

  2. On the navigation ribbon at the top of the page, select Creatives. The Creatives listing page will be displayed.

  3. At the top of the page, select +New Creatives. The New Creatives page will be displayed.

  4. Complete the Asset Details section:

    1. Upload your video. You can upload a video from your computer or enter a VAST URL in the VAST URL field. A preview of your asset will be displayed in the Preview frame at the bottom of the page.

  5. Complete the Creative Details section:

    1. In the Creative Name field, enter the name of your creative asset. The name must be unique and our team will validate that your Creative name is unique.

    2. Select the language of your creative asset from the Language drop down menu. If your desired language does not appear in the list, select Any.

    3. In the Declared URL field, enter the URL.

  6. Click Publish to submit your creative asset for review.

A message will be displayed confirming that your creative asset has been added and will be reviewed. A page will then be displayed with a summary of the creative asset details.

This creative asset will be displayed on the Creatives listing page with a status of In Review. The review process takes 2 to 3 business days.

After the review process, if the creative is approved, the status changes to Approved. If the creative is not approved, the status changes to Needs Attention.

Troubleshooting Needs Attention creatives

If your creative receives a Needs Attention status, that means the creative didn’t meet one or more of Ad Manager’s requirements.

To resolve the issues, follow these steps:

  1. From the Creatives page, open the campaign with the Needs Attention status.

  2. A red alert box at the top of the page will explain why the Creative was rejected (examples: didn’t meet Samsung’s creative guidelines or destination URL is not working).

  3. Click Edit.  

  4. Make the required changes.

  5. Click Publish.

The status will change from Needs Attention back to In Review. If you require additional help with your campaign, file a support ticket.

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