- 19 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
- Updated on 19 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
This page provides you with an overview of Samsung Ad Manager Creatives, creative specifications, and an explanation of creative statuses.
Adding a creative is a 2 step process:
Complete the New Creatives form.
Submit it for review and approval.
All creatives undergo a review process to confirm that they meet our guidelines. Learn more about our review process in the Samsung creative guidelines article.
Creative review takes 2 to 3 business days.
Creative specifications
Creative requirements
All creatives must have the following properties:
File type: .mp4.
Aspect ratio: 16:9.
Accepted video duration: 5 to 90 seconds.
Maximum file size of 50 MB.
Audio codec: AAC or MP3.
Tage type: Accredited 3rd party VAST URL.
A clickthrough URL.
If you use a VAST URL, it needs to have at least 4 media files:
One 1920 x 1080 (recommended bit rate 8,000-10,000 kbps)
One 1280 x 720 (recommended bit rate: 4,000 - 7,000 kbps)
One 854 x 480 (recommended bit rate: > 1,500)
One 640 x 360 (recommended bit rate: > 1,500)
Creative suggestions
These recommendations are not required, but these suggestions maximize the look and performance of your creative.
Recommended aspect ratio: 16×9.
Recommended file size: 30 MB.
Recommended duration: 15-30 seconds.
Recommended frame rate: 30 fps
Recommended dimensions: 1920 × 1080
Creative statuses
Creatives are assigned a status in Samsung Ad Manager. The status tells you what stage of the creative review lifecycle your creative is in:
In review: Your creative will be assigned a status of In review as soon as you submit the new creatives page. This status tells you that the creative asset is currently undergoing our review process.
Note that adding an in review creative to a campaign will prevent the campaign from launching immediately. The campaign will launch as soon as the creative is approved.
Approved: Your creative will be assigned a status of Approved after it has been reviewed and approved. You can add approved creatives to your campaigns.
Needs Attention: Creatives are assigned a Needs Attention status when they have failed the review process. Needs Attention creatives cannot be added to campaigns. If a creative doesn’t meet Samsung requirements, text will appear explaining the error and next steps. If you need additional support, submit a support ticket.